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 Nicola has been a missionary in Parade Gardens for over three years and has discovered many treasures in the community. However, her background is in media.  She has worked on programs at WQED-TV, and wrote news for KDKA-TV, both in Pittsburgh.  She was also a production secretary at the CBS News'  production, 48 Hours in New York City. Later, she created and managed the media ministry at a church in Northeastern Pennsylvania. On returning to Jamaica, she taught Television Production at Northern Caribbean University.  She has also hosted radio shows in New York City and Jamaica.  Her desire is to use her passion for missions and media to transform the community.

Nicola Carara

Role: Producer & Host

Asha is well-known local director of photography.  He and his crew from Fareye Film Productions, are much sought after in Jamaica.  The 25 year veteran has directed numerous music videos and has worked on many documentaries, including Africa Unite: A Celebration of Bob Marley's 60th Birthday.  He also has a longing to see change in Parade Gardens, a community he has come to love.  It is one of his favorite locations for video shoots. 


Asha McHail

Role: Director of Photography

Parade Gardens is an inner-city community in Downtown Kingston, Jamaica, better known as Southside and Tel-aviv.  The neighborhood has had a vibrant history that has left an indelible mark on the nation, but it is almost forgotten.  Moreover, the residents are talented, innovative and creative, but lack exposure.  They will now be able to show who they really are to Jamaica and the world.

Parade Gardens &
Its Residents
Role: The Stars

Who We Are

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